How to Become a Digital Marketing Expert: A Guide for 2024

How to Become a Digital Marketing Expert: A Guide for 2024

How to Become a Digital Marketing Expert: A Guide for 2024

I have created a guide so that you can embark on this digital marketing adventure, Enjoy reading it in advance! I hope you will find opportunities to improve yourself in this field in 2024 

Questions, questions! Why do people want to become digital marketing experts today? So, what is digital marketing? Is it a vast world or a very enjoyable field of work that requires deep expertise in every field? Let’s look at what digital marketing experts do, their duties, and their responsibilities!

What is digital marketing?

Digital marketing is a set of strategies and processes that promote, market, and sell products and services through various digital platforms. This method, which is carried out in electronic environments such as websites, social media, search engines, and mobile applications, is supported by many different tools and strategies thanks to the constantly developing technology today. Businesses aim to increase their sales by reaching their target audiences more effectively and promoting their products and services.

What does digital marketing specialist mean?

Digital marketing experts are professionals who help companies and brands achieve their marketing goals using digital channels. These channels include websites, social media, search engines, email, mobile apps, and more.

The digital world has become an integral part of business and life today. Working in the digital world is very important to keep up with the rapidly changing dynamics of this world and benefit from opportunities.

How do I become a digital marketing expert?

Traditional marketing education can be valuable for a career in digital marketing, but many companies today do not consider having a marketing degree as a requirement for digital marketing specialist positions. Digital marketing is crucial to advertise and increase sales of products online. Therefore, most companies focus on candidates’ digital marketing skills and experience. Candidates who have the necessary qualifications can specialize in this field even if they have no have a specific education before. Experience, learning, and having the appropriate skills have become a more important factors in succeeding in the field of digital marketing.

What does a digital marketing specialist do? What are their duties and responsibilities?

A digital marketing specialist carries out extensive work to ensure that the company or project becomes a prestigious and strong brand on online platforms. By developing successful strategies, it successfully carries out various tasks and aims to achieve efficient results. Plans, implements and manages various activities to ensure that the brand has a strong presence in the digital space.

Being a digital marketing specialist is a profession that attracts attention and offers job opportunities today. People who want to choose this profession must try to acquire the necessary knowledge, skills, and experience. We can list the duties and responsibilities of a digital marketing specialist as follows:.

Conducting target audience research: Aims to obtain information on subjects such as demographic characteristics, interests, and behaviours of the target audience.

Developing a marketing strategy: A digital marketing strategy is developed in line with the information obtained through target audience research. This strategy aims to determine the channels and methods that will be used to reach the target audience.

Creating digital marketing campaigns: Digital marketing campaigns are created in line with the digital marketing strategy. These campaigns may include different channels and methods such as search engine optimization (SEO), search engine marketing (SEM), social media marketing, content marketing, email marketing, etc.

Managing digital marketing campaigns: After digital marketing campaigns are created, it is necessary to monitor the effectiveness of these campaigns and take action when necessary. Therefore, digital marketing experts are responsible for managing digital marketing campaigns.

Conducting data analysis: In digital marketing, it is important to analyze data and derive meaning from it. Therefore, digital marketing experts must have data analysis skills.

The duties and responsibilities of digital marketing experts may vary depending on the needs of the institution or digital marketing agency they work for. However, in general, the above duties and responsibilities are the basic duties and responsibilities that digital marketing experts should have.

What Competencies Should a Digital Marketing Specialist Have?

The most important competencies for a person who wants to be a marketing expert in the digital field are communication ability and persuasion ability. In addition, a marketing specialist needs to follow technology closely.

Digital marketing is a broad field that covers many different career topics, from social media managers to media planners and more. What these positions all have in common is using digital media on web or mobile platforms to reach customers or collect data about them.

Communication skills: digital marketing is important to communicate effectively with the target audience. Therefore, digital marketing experts must have strong communication skills.

Creative thinking skills: Digital marketing is important for generating innovative and creative ideas. Therefore, digital marketing experts need to have creative thinking skills.

Problem-solving skills: In digital marketing, new problems are constantly encountered. To solve these problems, it is necessary to have problem-solving skills.

Being a digital marketing specialist is a profession that attracts attention and offers job opportunities today. People who want to choose this profession must try to acquire the necessary knowledge, skills, and experience.

What are the benefits of being a digital marketing expert? What will this profession bring to you?

Digital marketing expertise can provide you with many career and personal benefits. Competencies such as creative thinking, analytical skills, and flexibility can help you in both your business and general life. It offers many advantages for those who like to work in a dynamic field and encourages personal and professional development.


Acquiring new skills and knowledge: Since digital marketing is a constantly evolving and changing field, digital marketing professionals must constantly acquire new skills and knowledge. This allows digital marketing experts to improve themselves and learn new things.

Developing creative thinking skills: Since it is a field that requires creative ideas, digital marketing experts must also develop their creative thinking skills. This allows digital marketing experts to express themselves and generate innovative ideas.

Developing problem-solving skills: New problems are constantly encountered. To solve these problems, it is necessary to have problem-solving skills. This allows digital marketing experts to overcome challenges and succeed.

Good career opportunity: Digital marketing has become one of the most popular professions today. Therefore, there is a good career opportunity for digital marketing experts.

High salary: Salaries for digital marketing professionals are generally higher than those for other professions. Remember that the more you specialize in your field and do good work, the better the salary offers you will receive.

Flexible working hours: They can usually work flexible working hours. This allows employees to better manage their personal lives and careers. Additionally, remote working opportunities are quite common in this field.

How much do digital marketing experts earn?

Salaries for digital marketing professionals may vary based on experience, skills, education, and company. It varies depending on factors such as the size of the company they work for, work experience, and the nature of the job. Also, remember that the better you are at your job, the better and more qualified offers you will receive. While evaluating these offers, you will have the opportunity to compare and weigh the best ones.

These factors may include:

Experience: The level of experience the expert has is important. The salary of a newly graduated specialist and someone with several years of experience may differ.

Location: Geographic locations, such as a city or country, can affect salary levels. For example, larger cities can often have higher salary levels.

Company Size and Industry: Larger companies can often offer higher salaries. Additionally, the industry can also affect salary levels.

We see that the average salary of digital marketing specialists will be between 15,000 and 30,000 TL in 2023. These figures will change in 2024.

There can often be significant differences between the salary of a professional with experience in digital marketing and that of someone who is just starting. Since the level of expertise and job performance increases as experience increases, salaries generally increase accordingly.

In addition, the projects that experts participate in, the training and certifications they have, may also affect the salary of digital marketing experts.

An experienced professional in the digital marketing industry can often be hired with the expectation of a higher salary. The level of expertise and the expert’s past accomplishments can play an important role in salary.

However, the level of education and certifications obtained can also affect the value of the specialist and, therefore, his salary.

As a result, the salaries of digital marketing specialists may vary depending on many factors, such as experience, level of expertise, roles and responsibilities in projects, level of education, and certifications held.

What types of digital marketing specialist training are there?

Nowadays, many companies do not require specific education requirements for digital marketing positions. A university degree in Marketing can be beneficial, but practical skills and knowledge of current digital marketing strategies are also valuable. Most companies focus more on the experience, skills, and current knowledge of candidates. The important thing for those who want to become digital marketing experts is to closely follow the field-specific skills and developments in this field.

Digital marketing expertise training given in private institutions is generally in the form of certificate programs. This training course is suitable for people who want to specialize in a specific area of digital marketing. It is also suitable for people who want to gain knowledge and skills in digital marketing in a short time.

Digital marketing expertise pieces of training are offered at different levels and with different contents. It is possible to receive these pieces of training through universities, private institutions, and online platforms.

Training programs include a variety of basic techniques necessary to understand the complex structure of the digital marketing world.

  Among these programs.

  • Digital Marketing Fundamentals
  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Training
  • Google Ads Certification Training
  • Social Media Marketing Strategies
  • Email Marketing and Automation
  • Content Marketing Strategies
  • Digital Analytics and Data Analysis
  • E-commerce Marketing Strategies
  • Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)
  • Mobile Marketing and Application Strategies
  • Affiliate Marketing Basics
  • Digital Advertising and Media Planning
  • Digital Crisis Management
  • Local SEO and Local Marketing

Digital Marketing Strategy Development Workshop

You can find information and resources about all these different training courses both on my blog and my posts on my TikTok account!

Here you come to the end of this short guide!

Digital marketing expertise is a dynamic and ever-changing field. If you specialize in this field, you will work in areas such as strengthening the online presence of brands, enabling them to interact with their target audiences, and optimizing their marketing strategies, using a variety of skills and techniques. This field, which includes a range of skills and knowledge such as SEO, social media management, advertising, and data analysis, will require you to constantly learn and keep up with the rapid change of technology.

Digital marketing experts stand out with their ability to produce innovative and creative solutions while helping brands stay competitive in the digital world.

Being a digital marketing specialist is a profession that attracts attention and offers job opportunities today. People who want to choose this profession must make an effort to acquire the necessary knowledge, skills, and experience.

In this blog post, I shared information about the duties, responsibilities, skills, competencies, training options, and salaries of digital marketing specialists with you, my beautiful friends!

I hope this information was useful for my friends who want to become digital marketing experts. You can subscribe to the WeApplications Platform to get digital career opportunities and create a digital route for yourself!

I wish everyone success!

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